Sunday, January 29, 2012

Space Cadet

So, yesterday, I spent the day out at Kennedy Space Center.

Northrop T-38N Talon yearning to be in flight once again.

My reason for wanting to do so was twofold. (Besides, obviously, the Space Center is freaking cool)

One: I wanted to pay my respects. Something most people tend not to think about is that within ONE week on the calendar, NASA lost all 17 astronauts they have ever lost on active programs.
The Astronaut Memorial Mirror Wall.

January 27th was the 45th Anniversary of the loss of Apollo 1.

January 28th was the 26th Anniversary of the loss of Challenger.

And coming up on February 1st is the 9th Anniversary of Columbia's loss.

Two: Two of the three Orbiters currently at KSC were on display at the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building), which was now open for tours for the first time in 33 years.

The Vehicle Assembly Building dominates the skyline for literally miles around.

In the main "hall" of the VAB was OV-104, Better Known as Atlantis.

I took a lot of shots of her ;) Love this one.

Sort of hidden off in an alcove (said alcove being larger than any house I have ever lived in, of course) off Atlantis's left wing was Endeavour, OV-105.

We were on the tour bus when 11:38 hit, exactly 26 years to the second after the Challenger disaster.

A few minutes later, at the Overlook for Launch Complex 39, our tour guide used his "incredibly accurate and highly detailed" prop to explain what happened to Challenger on her launch.

The approximate position where Challenger was when she came apart.

Everywhere you look around the Kennedy Space Center these days, there are reminders of the past, like Pad 39A, the main pad for the Shuttle and Apollo programs.

Pad 39B has been dismantled to go back to the old "clean pad" concept that Apollo used.

Something about these overgrown old tracks from the Apollo days and this faded sign spoke to

Of course, the future also has its own echoes of the past.
Kitty Hawk, the Command Module of Apollo 14

And the newest crew vehicle, now being tested, the Orion.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 is here

So what does that mean?

Depends who you ask.

This year will mark twenty years since I left Germany and met what is basically the rest of my closest friends, when we moved to Nebraska.

It's been ten years since I moved to Florida from Nebraska.

Which means it is a few years past time to move on again. I would love to go back to Colorado, but, obviously, that all depends on the financial situation, which means, unless something drastic happens at work, I'll need to find a new job to make that move possible.

There are a few events I would LOVE to go to, and a few I have already confirmed I will be at this coming year. Moving wouldn't effect those.

There are also some relatively new people in my life that I would love to get to know better and spend more time with. Looking at you Rio, Leia.

I also want to make some trips back north (DC and NYC) and west (CA, OH, NV) this year.
So, without further ado, here is the tentative schedule of things I'm pretty damned sure (* is already confirmed) I'll be up to in the first half of this year.

January 21, Muscle Car City Car Show MCC

*February 11, Legends and Legacies: Tuskegee Airmen at Fantasy of Flight FOF
(Likely at this location every other month as always throughout the year)

February 12, Wings of Freedom Tour, Venice, FL (Or possibly the stop before in Ft Myers) CFWOF

*February 18-19 MegaCon, Orlando, Florida (Stan Lee, Charisma Carpenter, David Prowse, Eddie McClintok and Nicholas Brendan, among others) (Possibly with Lindsay Brown and Carie) MegaCon

*March 10-11 TICO Warbird Airshow, Titusville, FL (NINE B-25s. C-46. P-47, CF-104D) (I already know Dave is coming lol, Pete Grillo might join) TICO

March 17 (sometime in March) Red Sox Spring Training, Ft Myers

March 24, Florida International Air Show, Punta Gorda (Blue Angels) FIAS

*March 24-25 St Petersburg Grand Prix (This year I'm off Turn 1) (With Mouse, possibly Squeaky and Lindsay B, appearances by Monica, Cameron, and Lindy I'm sure, lol) SPGP

March 30, Sun N Fun, Lakeland SNF

*March 31, Mustangs and Mustangs at Fantasy of Flight MMFOF

*April 1, Festivals of Speed, North Straub Park, St Petersburg FOSSP

*April 14-15 Celebration Exotic Car Festival CECF

April 17-20 Doolittle Raiders reunion, NMUSAF

*April 22 New Orleans (Family Event)

May 6 Festivals of Speed Mission Inn, Howey in the Hills FOSHH

May 18-June 10 Star Wars Weekends SWW

July 12-14, Pensacola Beach Airshow and visit to the Naval Aviation Museum PBAS & NNAM

That covers the first half of the year :P