Many references to typical life for those who were stationed in Germany (80's-90's).You know when you have been in Germany too long...
1. You really think AFN (Armed Forces Network) is quality television.
a. You enjoy watching commercials when you return to the states.
2. Iceberg lettuce look like a giant brussel sprout.
3. You realized that Ausfahrt isn't the biggest city in Germany (although it certainly has the most Autobahn exits).
b. It is not unusal to get out of you car on the Autobahn and socialize with other drivers while sitting for a few hours in a traffic jam.
4. You don't remember that the windows are suppose to have screens.
5. You think a stateside newspaper looks like a Sears catalog.
6. Your dinner menu changes six times before you leave the comminsary.
7. You reach for the Jagermeister instead of the Pepto Bismol.
8. A Sunday morning isn't complete without a ten kilometer trek through the woods.
9. You think everyone gives turn signals before changing lanes or turning.
10. You get used to looking before you flush.
11. You always keep an egg timer by the telephone.
12. You can walk through the O'Club baazar and only buy an ice cream cone. (Officer's Club)
13. You forget how to use a round door knob.
14. You have four gallon jars of pfenning pieces.
15. You have a dozen small jars each filled with coins from other countries. (The D-Mark years.)
16. You buy a new wool sweater for the 4th of July.
17. 100 mph seems like you are really driving slow.
18. People on volksmarches look real familiar.
19. You can remember when the D-Mark exchange to the dollar was 4 to 1, 3 to 1, 2 to 1.
20. American beer tastes like mineral water.
21. You only known how to pay for gas with AAAFES coupons.
22. Even at home you don't put ice in your drinks.
23.You can't leave home without a calculator to go shopping.
24. You plan to go grocery shopping no more than a week after payday.
25. You never shop on pay day.
26. When you do shop, you buy at least a dozen of everything that you MIGHT need.
27. You memorized you passport number, date, and place of issue.
28. Every few weeks you empty you wallet of coins from other countries. (D-Mark years.)
29. You had to stop to get gas at and Aral Gas station, you don't have any D-marks and wonder how you will pay for the gas, since they don't take AAFES gas coupons!
30. You truy believe that AAFES is Earth Friendly.
31. Fresh cut flowers are a staple in your house.
32. You automatically look for stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.
33. You lounge around your house fully clothed at all times.
34. You know there are three remedies for removing mold from the walls. Which can be a weekly cleaning chore.
35. You never leave home without your keys (doors never unlock need keys at all times to get in), ID card, license, checkbook/debt card, and passport.
36. You don't know anyone who doesn't own a VCR and at least 200 tapes.
37. You think the line at the bank with only 20 people is great!
38. You think ANY line with 20 people is short.
39. You have forgotten what prime rib and shrimp cocktail tastes like.
40. You plan a trip to London just to see movies.
41. You think it is perfectly natural to pass a tank on the highway.
42. You don't need a power drill and a sledge hammer to hang a picture on the wall.
43. You just give up on finding appliances with duel voltage.
44. Sunshine actually becomes a topic of conversation.
45. You order water and it comes with bubbles!
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