Thursday, August 7, 2008

El Typey Typey

Holy Laptops Batman!
As if I weren't nocturnal enough to begin with, my new schedule will soon have me hanging from the ceiling like a freaking bat.
But.....I have gotten up to page 137 edited in The Phoenix from the Ashes, the second ETF novel. And, with the new materials I have written and YET to edit (You know, spellchecking, tense consistency, character story lines, and overall flow and making sense), the story is up to 548 pages in Microsoft Word, which, from my prior experience of publishing The Metamorphosis, will end up being around 800 standard mass market paperback pages.
And the stand-alone story about the making of Top Gun II (Fictional, of course) is at about 25 pages right now. Hmm.
So, one could say this new schedule is already showing dividends.
I have to tell you though, it's not all roses. I mentioned how I am working on getting my ass (and the rest of me) back in shape the last time I posted. Yeah. It hurts. A lot. But I'm going to stick to it, because, although I may be suffering now, I'm going to be A-OK by the time I start making my trips.
And THAT thought kicks ass.
Off to my nap!
Love to the two or three of you who actually read these!
P.S. Napkins, the Party is On.
And, As I leave you, I am humming Monty Python's classic ode to deviancy and recreation, "Sit on my Face." We all know you know it, too, so sing along in honor of my having just picked up the Monty Python Instant CD Collection!

Also, hit up my Facebook for some amusing photos from my cell phone.
That is all!
I Think el Rockhead has the right idea.
Via con Dios Jose ;)

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