After two hours of basketball today, for the first time in years, I came face to face with a few facts. I'm nowhere near the athlete I once was.
Now, I was never a GREAT basketball player, let's put that out there right now. But I always enjoyed the game and I was far from the worst guy on the court.
I'm still one of the fastest guys on the court, hoop to hoop, and I'm still agile. My defense is still able to hold its own too.
But my offense......
Offensive. Let's just say I'm a lot more of a team player now. I can drain threes a bit still, and layups I'm still all over, but man.....I was missing that hoop like nobody's business today.
And, yeah, I can spout a ton of excuses, I'm 35, it's in the high 80s-low 90s and really humid, there was no shade, blah, blah, blah.
Truth is, I've just not been keeping up with the necessary skills to remain truly competitive. Damn life getting in the way, or maybe I've just been lazy.
Now, I suppose, the question is......what am I going to do about it??? ;)
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