Friday, March 20, 2020

The world has gone mad.

Yeah, I know, it's been a few years.

Life has taken some twists and turns, and not always for the best, but I'm going to try and get back to blogging on a more regular or at least semi-regular basis.

Barring that, I'm going to try not to go 3 years between posts, lmao.

Obviously, the big thing in the news right now is COVID-19.

Man, it's everywhere you look, you can't avoid hearing or seeing something about it.

In some cases, you see it too damn much.

Over the past few weeks, the Coronavirus has taken over all of our lives to some extent or another.

The mainstream and social media are filled with it, promoting it as some sort of end of the world, apocalypse adjacent supervirus that is going to wipe out humanity.

But in a real way, the mainstream media's job is hype.
And if that verges into fear-mongering territory, hey, they still get ratings.

I might be a little cynical, having worked in Media for a while there.

Right now, across the country and the globe, Restaurants, Theaters, Beaches, Bars, Clubs, even ENTIRE COUNTRIES and a couple of states have closed to try and halt the spread of this airborne virus that is spread through sneezing.

So the geniuses here in the United States and especially Florida do what thy always do.....make a run on toilet paper and water, and have a party.

Some days, I wonder how the human race even managed to survive long enough to evolve out of Cro-Magnon days, and then I look around....and realize most people probably didn't.

Are people REALLY this stupid that, in the middle of a pandemic, their response is "If I get it I get it, it's not going to stop me partying" as one Jersey Shore reject recently was interviewed as saying on the news.

Said reject pictured below.

*every time I see this clip I want to deck this dipshit.  Sorry, but it's a visceral response I've always had to stupidity.
**yes, I'm amazed I'm not in jail too

Can someone explain to me where we went wrong?

An how on earth did my generation, Gen X, get raising children so badly fucked up that we now have to deal with the Entitlement Generation, Gen Z.

I know, we were all to some extent full of youthful exuberance and prone to doing stupid things, but it seems to me that the situation has been exacerbated by the rise of Social Media, where everyone is trying to be an Influencer, to gain likes and views.

We've lost a huge part of our culture now that everything i about the shallow "me me me, look at me" viewpoint and less about depth and character.

Or am I just old and grumpy?

(Don't answer that)