Sunday, April 13, 2008

Because I'm annoyed...

You know, nothing ruins an event like Rednecks can. Uncouth, uncultured, unintelligent, and, a lot of the time, unwashed, these people can take something I truly enjoy and make me not want to go.
So, for all of you who are fans of my aviation photography, you can thank the Redneck Population of Lakeland (about 95% of that "city") for my NOT going to Sun N Fun this year and for your not getting to see any shots of the USAF Thunderbirds in action.
As many of you know, I work right next to Lakelend Linder Regional Airport, where they host Sun N Fun every year.
It runs for just about a week, and I had originally planned to go on friday, but I was not feeling well, so I decided, since I had to work yesterday, that i would go today instead.
That was BEFORE I went to get lunch at work yesterday. The Thunderbirds were flying. Anytime one of the planes was in sight, the idiot rednecks STOPPED DRIVING in the middle of the road I was on (A state highway if you were curious) to look.
Ok, maybe I'm a little used to it, having grown up on Air Force bases most of my life, but come the fuck on, people. You are DRIVING. You do not STOP to watch the pretty jets. That's called getting killed.
Then, back at work, about 300 of the lowlifes had made our parking lot into the set of Hee-Haw, without the humour.
And then proceeded to argue with ME when I tried to get through their stupid asses to park.
At my JOB.
I didn't swing on anyone, but it was a near thing.
And, to top it all off, one of them kept telling the others that he was "Glad the Blue Angels could come and bring their F-22s."
Lemme show ya something real quick.

United States Air Force Thunderbirds F-16A Fighting Falcon

US Navy Blue Angels F/A-18C Hornet

USAF F-22A Raptor (Not IN the Navy arsenal and not ON any demo teams)

How can you POSSIBLY mistake the TOP aircraft for the bottom one?
Um. Yeah. Like I said, Ignorance.
So, maybe not everyone knows what aircraft you are looking at. I'm cool with that. Really, I am. What I am NOT cool with is when these SAME people try to convince everyone else that they are experts in the area.
And then, guess what...they are invariably the morons that the local news is going to interview about "what they thought about the airshow".
It's always them or the whiney bitches (male or female, i don't discriminate about bitches) that tell people that the aircraft are making them sick and the noise is terrible. Ok. Two things. ONE: The jets and propjobs at Sun N Fun do not put enough pollutants in the air in that one week to affect you. Period. Two. The airport has been there doing this airshow for 34 years. You moved in 4 years ago. Fuckoff (really, are you Russian?)((Old Robin Williams joke, people)), you know it happens every year.
So, Thank you to the Lakeland Redneck Society for turning me off on going to an airshow.
Fucking idiots.
I hate this damn state.
Trying to find a job so I can move back into the New England area or Denver.
That is all.

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