Saturday, April 11, 2009

on writing

Because I recently sent Krista a copy of the novel, I have been going through and re-reading it myself. Now, Metamorphosis was never meant to be a standalone novel, indeed, it was supposed to be sort of the middle book in the ETF saga, and, as such, starts and ends rather ambiguously. Re-reading it, there are things that flat out annoy me, and things that I would love to go in and set straight. I had started working on a new, edited and expanded, version of that first novel a few years back, and now have it almost to a point that I am happy with it. But it's now almost two books long. That being said, the foundation point that WAS Metamorphosis is hardly recognizable anymore. And I have done a bunch of work on the novel Before and the two after it, as well. Indeed, the ETF saga is inching over 3000 pages of material right now, and the hardest part is getting it into some semblance of cohesive order that someone besides me would want to read. I might need volunteers to take a look through it and tell me what they think with outside eyes. I'm still waiting to see what Krista thinks of Meta before I decide whether or not to shop the next books. Now, I've been told I have writing (and photography) talent, but the reason I want Krista's opinion is that she very much is an outside viewpoint. She didn't grow up with the ETF saga, hearing ideas about it from 1990 on as many people did.
Also, work continues on the Superhero Stanley series, and I've written the seventh installment, but need to grab the time to type it all out.
See, for me, writing is not an easy thing. I can't just throw a switch and write, like I can with my photography. I have to be inspired and I have to be in a certain mood (often insomnia plays a part as well), to be able to write.
Having said that, however, I try and write SOMETHING every week, whether i be poetry, a sketch of a story idea, a blog, a chapter of a book, or a character sketch. The majority of this writing will never see the light of day because it's just spit balling and I'm rather not happy with it. Even on the writing I AM happy with, very little of it is typed out on the laptop, since I am kind of old school that way and love to actually get out a pen and paper and write thing out.
You know, I REALLY need a personal assistant o type everything up for me. I have DOZENS of notebooks full of writing of one form or another. And, if anything, that might be an under-estimation.
Anybody want that job??
Anyway, i know it doesn't seem to be coherent or anything, but it's my thoughts and updates on my writing lately.

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