Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Intro-duce, Intro-spect

Hi. I'm Brian R Kupfer. Most of you know me as Bri, a lot of you as Valder, a few as Crash, and two of you as Waldo. I'm an avid sports lover, whether it be NFL, NBA, IRL, F1, FIFA or MLB. I'm a writer, a photographer, and a techie.

What I'm not is myself. At least, not the me I remember, and that most of you remember. I haven't been for a few years now, and it's time to change that. Yes, I fully realize people change as they get older, but sometimes that change isn't for the best.

Take me, I've always had an active mind and a hot temper. Lately, I can't turn either of them off, so I'm always pondering and pissy. Not the best combination.

Wasn't always this way. Hell, most of you don't remember this way at all.

Let me put it an a way my fellow Buffyphiles will understand. My temperament has gone from Xander to Angel.


Hell, I hadn't even realized the change until i was talking to an old friend that we shall call "Jim" yesterday, and when I got off the phone, I realized that, even though I was talking to a person I care about, and was in a place I always love going to, drinking a good beer and eating an awesome burger, all I did on the phone the whole time was bitch and moan.

That is so NOT me.

I see Christine, and Breann laughing. Keep laughing, you have never met the real me. He started being supplanted years ago. Probably four or five, if I had to guess. Geoff remembers him....I was kind of an ass at times, but I was a CHEERFUL ass.

So, the point of all this, I'm betting you are asking yourself.

I need to rediscover me. And I'm going to start working on it. I'm heading back to the basics, trying to remember what worked, and what didn't. I have a bad feeling it will take time, and may actually be a race to save myself from the slope I'm sliding down.

Anyone care to bet against me?

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