Saturday, February 5, 2011

Common Courtesy

If you're going to pop by my least leave a comment, mmmmkay? I get 4-5 dozen hits a day comments.
So let me know why you dropped by, what you thought, whatever.
Or I might have to take this bad biyotch private again.....


  1. Why take it private? I for one do enjoy reading your blog, I just don't have anything of substance to add ( most of the time )

  2. Thanks Kate.

    Anon....because if all people are doing is popping by nd taking phots, why stay public? It's not that hard to take two secs and say 'Nice blog", "That's crap", "I like their uniforms" or whatnot, is it? You wouldn't just walk into a museum or art exhibit and pull a sweater up over you head trying to not be noticed, would you?
